Thursday 16 August 2018

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

The War of Art  by Steven Pressfield  (2002 edition;  165 page)  , as the subtitle  indicates , is about breaking through the blocks and winning  your inner battles. The title may   lead you to believe that it is a book about art but it is not so. It is not a book about art only.  It is a book about  Resistance  against  any new thing that you want to start ;how to overcome that Resistance.  Procrastination is the most common  manifestation of Resistance. If not  controlled, it can become a  life long habit.
                The moment you  decide  any of the new activities,  there are inner obstacles or blocks . Steven Pressfield calls them Resistance .  He   gives  a list of activities which most commonly elicit Resistance (read Procrastination):
1.Writing , painting , music , film , dance or any creative art.
2.  Launch of any enterprise, business or non-profit.
3.  Any diet or health regimen.
4.  Any programme for spiritual advancement.
5.  Any program to overcome a habit or addiction .
6. Education of every kind.
7. Any act of courage  including any decision to change our thought or conduct.
8. Any act which needs commitment like  getting married,  deciding  to have a  child or to weather a rocky patch in a relationship.
9.  Taking a principled stand in an adversity.
    Resistance is experienced by every body. Resistance is most powerful at the finish line.
The more energy we spend to get support from our colleagues and loved ones, the weaker we become. Seeking support is also a sign of Resistance.
   Resistance can be beaten. One way to do it is to turn pro ( professional). Pressfield mentions the following  qualities that define a professional:
1.        Show up every day.
2.        Show up no matter what.
3.         Stay on the job all day.
4.         Remain committed over a long haul.
5.         Your stakes are high and real.
6.       You  accept remuneration for your labour.
7.       You  do not over -identify with your jobs.
8.       You master the techniques of your jobs.
9.        You  have a sense of humour about your job.
10.   You  receive praise or blame in the real world.
The professional  prepares mentally to absorb blows and to deliver  results. He or she reminds him/herself that it is better to be in the arena , getting stomped by the bull , than to be up in the stands or out in the parking lot. A professional  is resolute in overcoming resistance.

            Pressfield     also recommends  that before you sit down to work, say your prayer to the Muse. The Muses were nine sisters , daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne. Their names are Clio, Erato,  Thalia, Terpsichore, Calliope, Polyhymnia, Euterpe,  Melpomene , and Urania. Their job is to inspire artists. Also  always  remember Goethe’s couplet: “ Whatever you can do, or dream you can , begin it. Boldness has genius, magic and power in it. Begin it now.”
           Carl Jung  defined the Self as a greater entity , which includes ego but also incorporates  the Personal and Collective Unconscious. Our consciousness dwells in the ego but we must make efforts to move consciousness from ego to the Self. Then we discern what is really important,( as we do when we are about to die) . The Ego produces Resistance .It does not want us to evolve. It likes the things just the way they are. We must operate territorially and  not hierarchically.
             This book captured  me slowly . In fact , when I finished its first reading , I  still thought that it is about art. But slowly , it dawned on me that it is about everything important that we do in life. The second reading of the book made it clear to me.
                 It is an extremely useful book. All of us procrastinate but we do not consciously realize what Resistance is working inside us.
           I strongly recommend  you to read this book.It will change  the way you live and work.

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