Wednesday 23 January 2019

Self-Renewal . . . The Individual and The Innovative Society by John W. Gardner

This is a book about the self-renewal of an individual as well as  renewal of organizations and societies. Anything which is susceptible to decay  , is capable of regeneration. How can we design a system  that will continuously renew itself , beginning with specifiable  ills and moving on to ills we cannot foresee.?
 Gardner lists five methods:
1.        The habit of self development   leads to self-renewal. For self-renewing persons , the development of their potentialities and the process of self -discovery never  end.
2.       Self-knowledge is also necessary  to facilitate self-renewal.
     George Herbert said:
“ By all means use some times to be alone. Salute thyself: see what thy soul doth wear?”
This is a goof self-renewal doctrine.
3.        We should be willing to risk. Fear of  failure should not stop us from  exploration and experimentation for self-renewal.
4.       Accept love and give it. This is one attribute of self-renewing people.
5.       The self-renewing person is highly motivated.” Wipe the slate clean and  do one little thing  that you really care about deeply, that you could do with burning conviction.”

Our education should  teach  habits of mind that will be useful in new situations- curiosity, open-mindedness, objectivity, respect for evidence  and the capacity to think critically. Education at its best  develops the inner resources  of young people  the point where they can learn on their own. Many of major changes take place through a series of small innovations. We have to provide for  a hospitable environment  for the release of creativity.
             To achieve renewal, we need to understand  what prevents renewal.  As an organization becomes old, it is governed by rules , customs and procedures , which destroys  zest and creativity. These rigidities need to be broken. As individuals  develop vested interests , the organization  itself rigidifies. Vested interests produce rigidity  and diminish capacity for change.
      Society should recognize the need for renewal. This requires protecting the dissenters. Similarly, writers and artists need freedom in the area of their creative activity, freedom to speculate , inquire and imagine.
     Top executives  should periodically  take a look at unprocessed reality. This will protect them from  filtered experience.
       Self-renewing people never feel that they have   “ arrived”. They know that really important tasks  are never finished—interrupted perhaps but never finished-and all the significant goals  recede before one.
           No society is likely to renew itself  unless its dominant  orientation is to future. In such a society , people not only welcome the future but also  believe  they can have  a hand in shaping  that future. Such people believe that they can make their own history.
      The first step in moral renewal is  the confrontation of precept and practice, and stripping the hypocrisy.
 A society is being continuously  re-created , by its members. Self-renewing individuals make a self-renewing society.
 John Gardner  , with his brilliant career as a civil servant   , and founder of Common cause, has written this masterpiece for self-renewal.   It is stimulating as well as inspirational. I recommend you to read it.


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